Monday, April 18, 2011

Look Who's Planning

Maui, 2010

I love this picture -- it's Matt and I one year ago on our dream vacation in Maui. We were just about to cross one more adventure off our bucket list -- zip lining.  Never mind that we were both terrified, we knew that the reward -- a mile-long ride across a bamboo forest -- would be well worth it. When we arrived at the other side (approximately thirty seconds later) we were both totally exhilarated, THRILLED - high-fives all around!

Now, one year later, I can't remember one thing about that thirty second ride. What I do remember is the process it took to get there -- the long bumpy bus ride to the zip line course, the first tentative "practice run" on a line that was only a few feet off the ground. And then, finally, the long climb to the top of the  highest platform.

When I look back my favorite memories are of the laughs we had gearing up in those awesome helmets and the pep-talks we gave each other when we wanted to turn back. My favorite memories are of the process.
Yup, what Emerson said is true -- "Life is a journey, not a destination."
So, here I am . It's one year later  and I'm about to set off on the biggest journey of my life -- marriage. But first, there's a lot of planning to do...
This blog is all about the process and I'm excited to learn, to share, and to figure out how to plan for the next big adventure.